Writers Festival issues call for entries

The Elora Writers Festival is putting out a call for entries for its writing contest.

This year, the contest has been streamlined to include all age groups, and the theme for this entries is A Journey.

Participants can enter either a short story (maximum 1,500 words) or a poem (maximum 75 lines).

The 2012 contest details and categories are:

– age 20-plus (entry fee $15; prizes $200, $100, $75);

– ages 15 to 19  (prizes $100, $75, $50);

– ages 12 to 14 (prizes $75, $50, $25); and

– ages 11 and under (prizes $50, $30, $25).

The submission deadline is April 27 and there is a $15 entry fee in the adult category only. Winners will be announced at 12pm on May 26 on the Elora Writers’ Festival blogsite: http://elorawritersfestival.blogspot.com.

The Elora Writers Festival will take place May 27 at Aboyne Hall in the Wellington County Museum and Archives from 1 to 4pm. Admission is $15 in advance, $17.50 at the door for the day’s readings, or $70 for the dinner and readings.

For more information call 519-843-4391, visit  www.elorawritersfestival.blogspot.com or contact competition chairperson Jean Mills at jrmills@rogers.com.
