WI members return to rural roots

Alma Women’s Institute gathered in a large 100-year-old barn on the farm of Liz and Reg Samis recently.

As those huge styles of barns are slowly disappearing from the rural landscape, it was with great interest everyone listened to the history of the century old barn. A pretty com­plete history of all the people who had lived on this farm was also very interesting.

Floyd Schieck, a member of the Mapleton Historical Soci­ety, enlightened everyone with his knowledge of how the barn was constructed, the types of materials in it, each with an important function depending on the use of each section whether it was to hold the hay, straw, and the threshing mach­ine or for the stock.

After a tour of the barn we enjoyed lunch and afternoon tea before our business meeting began. Schieck also entertained us with a recitation about a Ten-cent can of paint.

Roll call was answered by bringing a picture of an old barn from your life on the farm, also a recipe that was served in your grandparents’ day. Many different styles of barns were shown, and there was great discussion about some inter­esting recipes and food served. One common theme was that potatoes were usually served three times a day.

A donation was made to our hostess to buy supplies to take to Haiti when she travels there on a medical mission in Nov­ember. President Lenora Arbuckle and secretary Wilma Snowe conducted the business meet­ing.

Our next meeting will be held at Heritage River Retire­ment Community at 2pm on Nov/ 20. Visitors are welcome.

submitted by Pat Salter

