A councillor here recently conducted his own survey on an almost $6 million renovation of the Fergus library and found about eight of 10 respondents are opposed to it.
Councillor Kelly Linton conducted what he acknowledged was an “unscientific survey” on surveymonkey.com over a three-week period.
He said he received 307 responses and found 83 per cent of respondents opposed the expansion, 82.7% said they will not use the library more frequently when it is done, 83.3% said they will not shop more in the downtown once the project is complete, 77.6% would support a more modest renovation similar to improvements done to the library in Elora, and 71.2% would support the township spending less than $100,000 to improve the Fergus riverscape.
Centre Wellington council has already approved spending $750,000 for infrastructure needed for the library renovation which includes some outdoor riverside landscaping.
“The only reason I did the survey is because we needed to take a pause and engage the citizens,” Linton told the Advertiser in a telephone interview. “It’s real simple; for me it’s the size and the cost. It went under the radar.”
In a letter to the Newspaper Linton said, “This project has the support of less than two out of 10 survey respondents.
“If the county (with township support) continues to force this project on our community, it is doing so despite clear evidence that the ones who are paying for it don’t want it. Projects of this size and cost should not move forward because the few who hold the purse strings want to see their names on a bronzed plaque.”
Some $1 million in improvements were completed at the Elora library, which the county purchased about two years ago along with the Fergus library. The buildings were sold by the township for $1 each.
Linton admits attending meetings in Aboyne when there was discussion about closing the Aboyne library after the Fergus library was renovated.
He acknowledged public concerns at that point focused on an Aboyne-versus-Fergus library discussion.
The councillor made no presentation during the public meetings because he thought the issue would be discussed at township council, something he said did not happen.
Warden Chris White did not comment directly on Linton’s survey and its findings, saying the 307 respondents is not a clear indication of how people feel in a township with a population of about 24,000 people.
“I think there’s widespread support to do a library there,” White said.
“We’ve heard a lot of public input on this issue.”
White said he expects a public meeting will be held in conjunction with the March library board meeting and will include a redesign of the original plan.
“I’m thinking a 4 to 6pm open house, then the board meeting and after the meeting the architect will be available to answer questions,” White said.
White said the Fergus library renovations will improve access to the facility in line with what the county has already done at other libraries and is planning for libraries in Palmerston and Hillsburgh.
“We want to improve libraries across the county,” the warden said.
Linton said he will continue his fight to have the plan turned down or revised.
“Until the shovel is in the ground you can always change the decision,” he said.