White elected to AMO board of directors for the rural caucus

Guelph-Era­mosa Township Mayor Chris White was elected to the Asso­ciation of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) board of dir­ectors on Aug. 26, at the annual conference held here.

White is one of five members representing the rural caucus.

The AMO board of Direc­tors is made up of elected muni­cipal officials and staff from all regions and com­mu­nities in Ontario. The board meets to discuss key municipal issues, sets policy priorities, and serves as a support system for municipalities, lobbying the provincial government.

“I am pleased to serve on the 2008-2009 AMO board of directors, representing the rural caucus,” White said. “I look for­ward to working together on key issues facing rural commu­nities in Ontario. I believe that rural Ontario, with all its div­ersity, needs to have a unified voice. We need place-based poli­cies, non-competitive infra­structure funding, and an up­load of provincial services.”

In addition to his duties as Mayor for Guelph-Eramosa, White’s political experience in­cludes being a member of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA), the Ontario Rural Council (TORC) and the OMAFRA panel on rural policy board. White has also worked on the AMO planning, brownfield and the rural and northern affairs task forces and the sustainable rural communities research committee.

“I’d like to congratulate Mayor White on his election to the AMO board of directors rural caucus,” said county Warden John Green. “He has serv­ed the community of Guelph/Eramosa and the county very well. He brings a lot of rural political experience to the table.”

AMO is a non-profit organi­za­tion representing almost all of the 445 municipalities in Ontario. AMO provides a variety of services and products to members and non-members.

