What to wear today

The work week makes for a frantic race out the door each morning.

Despite everything being packed and ready for day care, there is one question that always comes up before heading to the car: what to wear today.

This innocent question from three-year-old Chloe sounds much like what we’d hear from Alexis and Brooke back at that age. So each morning this summer we have looked out to see rain and decided between rubber boots or Crocs.

Developing a conscience for fashion, much the same way her sisters did, there are always choices for this sweater or the other one.

It’s one of those times in life to be cherished, for most adults can only wish their largest problem of the day is what to wear.

The twins have advanced from that question to many more. Having just turned 14 and graduated grade 8, we have no doubt new questions will weigh more heavily on them.

The advent of high school and what to do with their lives begins to settle in at this age.

Like many students in high school, marks will soon matter. Good choices will become more important, whether it be new friends or extracurricular activities. Fairly soon part-time job choices will factor into how their spare time is spent. With the compressed four-year high school system, college or university plans need to be considered that much sooner.

While the days of helping the twins decide what to wear are long over, as they head into the next phase of life, all we can really suggest is to wear a smile – everyday. Great, exciting times lie ahead.
