The first meeting of the West Luther 4-H vet club was held on April 28 at club leaders Ken & Barb Leslie’s farm.
The members played a get acquainted game and then elected the officers. They are as follows: president Reba Pastink, 1st vice president Charlene Elliott, secretary Kayla Scott, press reporter Natalie Klein, photographer Sydnee Stewart.
Reba opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. We then learned what tools veterinarians carry in their truck and what they are all used for. The meeting ended with the 4-H motto.
The second meeting was held May 6 at Jim Lindsay’s farm. The club members had the great pleasure of having Dr. Jocelyn Jansen from the OMAF Fergus office and Dr. Jeff Rau from the field service clinic at the University of Guelph.
We broke up into four groups. One group was with Dr. Jocelyn and got to touch the inside a cows lungs, heart and tongue. The second group was with Dr. Jeff and he taught us how to keep our calves from getting sick.
The third group went with our leader Dr. Ken Leslie and he brought us into Jim’s barn and asked us questions about calving. The fourth group learned how to judge rubber boots for a rainy day.
Afterwards we got all together and got feedback from the beef club & vet club.
We finished the meeting with the 4-H motto.
Submitted by Natalie Klein