Wellington Water Watchers looking for volunteers

CENTRE WELLINGTON – Wellington Water Watchers (WWW) is looking for canoe and kayak enthusiasts to collect trackers in the Grand River,  Credit River, and Bronte Creek. 

The trackers are plastic bottles equipped with satellite trackers that collect data for a research project from the University of Toronto and the University of New Hampshire studying how plastics move across waterways around the Great Lakes.

The data collection is now complete and the researchers want the bottles retrieved to prevent additional litter. 

There are three in the Grand River, three in the Credit River, and two in Bronte Creek. 

The researchers have the coordinates of the bottles – they’re located in hard to reach areas that require access by boat or on foot. 

The batteries in these trackers will be running out of power over the next week.

Anyone interested in volunteering to retrieve a bottle can contact info@wellingtonwaterwatchers.ca. 

Officials will provide exact locations and futher details.

WWW is also asking volunteers for  photos and videos of the bottles, “so we can share this story.”