Wellington North gets over $425,000 for recreational upgrades in Arthur

For Well­ington North, the recent an­nouncement of over $425,000 for recreation projects is just the latest in a string of successful grant applications.

“We’re pretty pleased with the announcement of four major grants within the past three weeks,” said Wellington North Mayor Mike Broom­head.

On July 3, Perth-Wellington  MP Gary Schel­len­berger and MPP John Wilkinson jointly announced the federal and provincial governments will equally fund projects to im­prove municipal community recreational infrastructure.

Fund­ing is from the federal Rec­reational Infrastructure Can­ada program in Ontario (RInC Ontario) and the provincial Recreation Ontario (On­tario REC) program.

Those projects will provide stimulus to the local economy through spending that will spur construction activity related to recreational infrastructure. Im­proving recreational facilities and services will also encourage higher levels of participation in physical activity and healthier communities.

The municipalities will pick up the one-third balance of the total project costs.

Of the almost $4-million in grants announced, Well­ington North will be taking home over 10% of that total.

The township received  $428,768 for work at the Arthur and community centre while its neighbours in Mapleton got $4,922 for work at the Drayton ball diamond.

Wellington North Mayor Mike Broomhead had an ad­vance inkling of the announcement. At the June 29 council session, he said he had been invited to the meeting, and one generally is not invited if not getting anything.

“We are pleased to work with our provincial partners to deliver funding that will create jobs and make a difference in the lives of residents throughout [the successful municipalities],” said Schellenberger.   

Wilkinson added, “Com­munity recreational facilities are an important part of our vibrant and healthy rural way of life. Improving recreational infrastructure is just as important as traditional infrastructure like roads, bridges and sewers. It is where people come together to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.”

Approved projects were selected on the basis of merit and construction readiness. In a later interview, Mayor Broom­head said it was a good week.

Not only did the township get funding for the arena project, but it was informed earlier in the week that another an­nouncement will be coming July 9.

He explained the RInC grant for Arthur covers the parking lots and drainage be­tween the arena and the curling club, as well as parking areas at the adjacent swimming pool.

The funding also covers an elevator to improve access to the community room on the second floor of the community centre, and the replacement of the parquet flooring in the main auditorium.

Broomhead cited the recent an­noun­ce­ment of a  $90,000 connec­ting link grant for the signal lights at the intersection of Highway 6 and County Road 109.

That funding was 100%, Broomhead said. He  noted other grants re­cently received will allow the full reconstruction of Egremont Street from Birmingham to Queen Street in Mount Forest.

“It’s been a pretty good week,” Broomhead said.

