Wellington North celebrates 25th anniversary of amalgamation

Time capsule filled at celebration to be locked until 2049

KENILWORTH – On June 7 Wellington North celebrated 25 years since several villages and townships amalgamated in 1999.

The event coincided with a PA day for local school boards, making the event a family outing for all ages. 

The 25th anniversary barbecue and open house was filled with food, cake, balloon animals and face painting. 

“It’s amazing to think that it has already been 25 years since the Village of Arthur, Town of Mount Forest, Township of Arthur, Township of West Luther, and some of outlying areas of the Townships of Peel and West Garafraxa came together to form what we now know as the Township of Wellington North,” Mayor Andy Lennox stated in a press release after the event.

“It was great to see so many familiar faces come together to celebrate this milestone; former staff and members of council, friends, family and neighbours.”

Wellington North Fire Services brought a fire truck for attendees to climb inside and explore. Many children got their pictures taken sitting in the front seat of the trucks. 

Time capsule items – A few of the items that were placed into the time capsule box, on June 7. A Kenilworth cap, documents of Arthur’s history, gavel from the previous Arthur council meeting, township plate, Mount Forest Pin and the 25th anniversary cake. Photo by Georgia York


The celebration’s main focus was the creation of a time capsule that will be held in the township’s office vault for 25 years. 

The box was built by Jack and Betsy Benham, and has a picture of the two stapled to the inside of the capsule. 

Adorning the top of the wooden box is a plaque that reads, “In recognition of the Township of Wellington North’s 25 years of growth and community spirit, this time capsule was dedicated on June 7, 2024, preserving our achievements and aspirations for future generations to discover and celebrate.

“This time capsule will remain sealed until 2049, when it will be opened during the 50th anniversary celebrations.”

Hundreds attended the event and placed sentimental items of their own in the box. 

One item was a gavel from the last Arthur township council meeting, donated by Paula Epoch. 

Other items were a Kenilworth cap, Arthur township plate, documents outlining the history of Arthur and a Mount Forest pin, to list a few. 

This group of friends enjoyed a day out with the community. From left: Shannon Gibson, Kay Ayres, Shirley Kettle and Taylor Rayfield. Photo by Georgia York


Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox attended the event, and though he did not place any items in the capsule, he told the Advertiser, he would either place a map, sharing his interest in maps, or something else related to the change in the community. 

“Over the 25-year period I’ve seen a change in working more together, more cooperation, more collaboration, and I think it’s important to celebrate that,” Lennox said. 

Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae spoke at the celebration about the importance for the next generations to see what life was like in 2024. 

Ashley Stevenson got a rainbow painted on her face, at the kids station. Photo by Georgia York

“Obviously I hope to be here in 25 years to experience that opportunity to open it, but just to really reflect on all the history,” Rae said. 

“A lot of great things happening in Wellington North coming forward, so I think it’s a very exciting time to live in Wellington North.”

Rae said if it was possible, he would place a piece of farm machinery in the box, as a symbol of the “strong agriculture roots in Wellington North that still exist. 

“Provincially, municipally and federally we’re working together in unison to ensure that our agriculture sector remains strong in this area of Wellington County.”

