Wellington North approves new development charge

It started as an election promise, got sidelined, and is now part of development again in Wellington North.

Council, at its meeting on May 28, gave final approval to a new development charges bylaw replacing the previous one that was rescinded and returned the charges to levels new councillors advocated during the last municipal election.

Developers under the previous council saw a development charge of $17,500 for a single family home on municipal services.

 When the new council took over its members attempted to reduce the charges to $10,000, and moved to approve a new bylaw.

The process was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by resident Jens Dam who won support from the OMB because the township had failed to hold a required public meetings to approve a new bylaw. The OMB ordered the township to rescind its newly approved development charges bylaw late last year.

The township hosted a public meeting on May 10, paving the way for the new bylaw and received a revised development charge report from consulting firm Watson & Associates.

Mayor Ray Tout said the new report outlined lower growth compared to report findings when the original study was done. With the new findings, council could “justify” the reduction, he said.

“When they did the study five years ago it was in good times,” the mayor said after the vote. “Our growth now is obviously not at the same rate as it was five years ago. It was worth a second look. We’re amending the original bylaw.”

The new fees have been set at $12,000 until the end of 2012 and will rise to $14,000 until Aug. 31, 2013.

Tout said the timeframe of the charge coincides with when the original study with the previous bylaw would have expired.

Development charges are levied to pay the costs of infrastructure. Fees not collected by the township are thus covered by property taxes.
