Wellington Catholic students at regional skills competition

Skillful – About 550 students, from all 18 elementary schools in the Wellington Catholic District School Board, descended on the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex in Fergus on April 4 for the regional Skills Canada competition. The winners will compete at provincials in May. Clockwise from top left: A team from St. Mary Catholic School in Mount Forest was in the construction challenge, building a planter box that their school can use as a garden. Team members, from left, are: Natalie Weiser, Ashley Kiesa, Elijah Gade and Kiersten Gorman. St. Joseph Catholic School in Fergus had two teams in the Lego robotics competition. One of the teams was, from left: Jake Murphy, Hayley Newton, Harrison Eidt and Adam Fry; the other was Jordan Delorenzis, Dominic Cordeiro, Denver Meyer and Rachel Kaspar. The team from St. Mary Catholic School in Elora built a car that could push weights up a ramp in the Lego mechanics challenge: Nicolas Valeriote, Devin Detwelier, Owen Bright and Jake Martin. The St. John Brebeuf team from Erin was tasked with building a catapult: Niko Luongo, Nicholas Stirpe, Jackson Moores and Kyle Santogrossa.  Photos by Jaime Myslik
