Wellington 4-H Association hosted Jams, Jelly, and Marmalade club for youths

CENTRE WELLINGTON – The 4-H motto is “learn to do by doing”, and that is exactly the attitude Centre Wellington’s Jams, Jelly, and Marmalade club had.

The meetings took place over three consecutive days from Aug. 6 to 8 at club leader Mary Fraser’s house in Elora.

Members of the newly named Juicy Jelly Jammies club include Autumn Kent, Averee MacPhail, Jessica Arneill, Ella Paulissen, Jacob Prescott, and Finley Bailey.

Club members learned many new skills that will now allow them to make their own jams, jellies, and marmalade at home. 

Some of the skills included knowing when certain fruits are in season, safety precautions to consider when preparing food and cooking, following recipes, how to boil fruit mixtures to make jam, filling jars, how to make jelly and marmalade, as well as how to do water baths/steaming to seal jars. 

Members also learned some interesting facts, such as the history behind canning, the history of the mason jar name, as well as different techniques used in canning. 

Club members were required to create a 4-H demonstration board for some of the upcoming fairs in Wellington County, as well as deciding on an achievement day assignment. 

The club ultimately decided on giving out samples of biscuits and jam made during the club meetings at the annual Ennotville Library Corn Roast on Aug. 18 as the club’s 4-H achievement day. 

For members who are unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, they will make jam at home and submit them to the club’s leaders Mary Fraser and Linda Wing.