The final tally for the township’s website redesign came in at just over $30,000.
Economic development officer Trish Wake reported at the July 10 council meeting that the new website was launched on Nov. 17.
In her report, Wake explained an application to the County of Wellington’s 2016 Business Retention and Expansion Municipal Implementation fund was submitted by former economic development coordinator Jaclyn Dingwall in November of 2016.
“The application was for the amount of $25,000 to be used for the reconstruction of the website,” the report states.
“The application was approved and process to reconstruct the website began. Esolutions was granted the tender and since then we have been working diligently on project completion until Dec. 2017.”
Since the website was launched minor issues have been resolved and training on how to update the website was completed.
A financial report on the project indicated the total cost was $30,833.
Council received the report and directed that it be submitted to the County of Wellington.