Perth-Wellington MPP John Wilkinson says a new $6,633 provincial grant will help parents play a more active role in their children’s education.
On Feb. 13, Wilkinson said this is the third consecutive school year for the grant.
“Parents are an essential partner in helping children succeed in school,” he said. “This is definitely a win-win situation for our parents, our children and our school boards.”
Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grants support projects that help students succeed, through workshops that show parents how they can be more involved in both their children’s education and school.
The grants also support outreach programs run by the local school to increase awareness of the importance of parent engagement.
Ten schools in the riding will receive grants, including two in northern Wellington County:
– $610 for Alma Public School’s new welcome program; and
– $550 for Palmerston Public School’s pamphlet and presentation.
“A more involved parent means a more successful student,” said Education Minister Kathleen Wynne. “We’ve received an increased number of new applicants this year, which demonstrates how serious parents are about getting involved in their children’s education.”
The provincial government is supporting more than 1,300 projects across the province with grants totalling nearly $2-million for 2008-09.
At Alma Public School, bags will be given to families during the junior and senior kindergarten orientation in the spring or as new students join the school.
The bags will be filled with books, activities suitable for age of the child, school handbook, board materials (getting ready to learn pamphlet), welcome letter from school council introducing council and ways to be involved at the school, inventory of the parent resource library, handouts from speech and language, health unit, resources available in the community, and a letter from teacher and principal.
Some additional resources will be purchased for the parent resource library which deal with helping children with starting school or a new school, and how to be involved in your child’s education.
In April, Palmerston Public School will prepare and present information on how to read to and with your primary child.
A pamphlet will be developed to promote ways parents can help their child to be a successful reader. Information will be presented to our junior parents on the important connection between reading and writing.
There will also be a presentation to parents on how to support their child to be safe while using the internet. A presentation will support parents to learn how their child use the internet as an educational tool in a safe and critical manner.