Walker steps up for abused women and youth charity

A Cambridge man is walking the country raising money for women and youth shelters.

Jukie Daly was walking down Highway 6 just north of Fergus on Sept. 3 on his way to a Sept. 6 meeting with Kitchener Mayor Carl Zehr.

He started the walk back in 2005 in honour of the legendary Terry Fox and his image being put on the loonie that year.  It’s a walk, with different segments each year, that has taken him all over the country for a portion of the summer, including treks to British Columbia and out east.

“I’m raising money for women and youth shelters,” he told the Advertiser. “I’m looking for sponsorships while I’m walking.”

His current trek took him from Algonquin Park, where he started out on Aug. 26, and will end up with his meeting with Zehr on Sept. 6. Armed with a Canadian flag on a white pole, Daly is making the trek one day at a time.

“Sometimes I sleep on the side of the road, in parks and sometimes people invite me in,” he said of his experience. “Sometimes I just walk through the night until it gets light.”

Daly said he has met a lot of people along the way who ask questions about why he is walking. “A lot of people stop and ask and I tell them I’m raising money for women and youth shelters. They need somewhere to go.”

Daly noted he was inspired by the legendary Terry Fox and the work he did for cancer research. That is why he is walking for his cause with the goal of raising money through the Wattown Revival Outreach Centre, a ministry run by his mother that assists abused women and children.

He’s made several longer trips, including this one from Algonquin Park to Kitchener.

Daly welcomes donations before, during and after the walk. He can be reached at 226-808-3850, or at http://jukiedaly.tripod.com.
