County councillors do not appear to need or want reminders about who voted for whom when it came to chairmanship elections in December.
When council ratified the Dec. 5 election minutes on Jan. 28, councillor Walter Trachsel pointed out that there had been no request for a recorded vote during those public elections that were decided by a show of hands, and he wondered why the list of voters for each position was included in the minutes, instead of just the results.
“Why name who voted which way,” he asked.
Clerk Donna Van Wyck said that had been the custom since the county began publicly electing its committee chairmen.
Councillor Gord Tosh asked, “Can we stop it?”
Van Wyck replied, “If you wish.”
Tosh then moved the recording of votes in the minutes be stopped, seconded by Trachsel, and council approved that motion.
Councillor Lynda White was absent.