Vote recording nixed

County coun­cillors do not appear to need or want reminders about who voted for whom when it came to chairmanship elections in December.

When council ratified the Dec. 5 election minutes on Jan. 28, councillor Walter Trachsel pointed out that there had been no request for a recorded vote during those public elections that were decided by a show of hands, and he wondered why the list of voters for each posi­tion was included in the min­utes, instead of just the results.

“Why name who voted which way,” he asked.

Clerk Donna Van Wyck said that had been the custom since the county began publicly elec­ting its committee chairmen.

Councillor Gord Tosh asked, “Can we stop it?”

Van Wyck replied, “If you wish.”

Tosh then moved the rec­ording of votes in the minutes be stopped, sec­onded by Trach­sel, and council approved that motion.

Councillor Lynda White was absent.

