Volunteers make all the difference at Victoria Park Seniors Centre in Fergus

Volunteers make a difference in their communities … and the Victoria Park Seniors Centre is no exception.

On April 25, the centre held a volunteer appreciation breakfast in the Lighthouse Restaurant of the Grand River Raceway.

Donna Wagenaar explained that as a volunteer for the Victoria Park Seniors Centre, she works at the reception desk twice each week – sometimes more.

She volunteers in the kitchen, creates home-cooked meals with lots of help, runs euchre Wednesday afternoons, volunteers with the foot care clinic, is a member of the board of directors and is on the program committee.

When asked what it is like to be a volunteer, Wagenaar instantly responded “Oh, I love it … I really do.”

Though Wagenaar has other interests as well, since joining the seniors centre, “You get to meet new people all the time.

“I’ve volunteered in the community before the seniors centre,” she says explaining she volunteers at the Fergus Legion as well. “When I first retired, I wanted something to occupy my time.”

She estimates she’s been a member of the centre for 12 years.

Wagenaar said the best part of my volunteering is at the reception desk. While she enjoys her other activities, “I like being out in the open.”

Jane Watson is also involved on the reception desk, is treasurer of the craft group, volunteers at the foot clinic, serves lunches and had served on the board.

“I’m very involved,” said Watson, who moved to the area 19 years ago from Etobicoke.

She’d been very involved in her previous community and was ready to take a break for the first year.

Then in church one Sunday, one of the members asked Watson to come to the seniors centre, where they were having a tea.

“I said ‘okay’ … and that was it,” Watson said. “You try not to get too involved … but it is a lifesaver.”

She explained if a person is not involved somewhere,  “You are just going to sit by yourself.

“But Fergus is a very friendly and welcoming community, which to me is very important.”

Friends had expressed concern over her moving to a small town, having lived in the Toronto area all her life.

“The thing that most impressed me when I first moved here was that you could walk along St. Andrew Street and people would say ‘hello’ … even young people,” said Watson. “I think Fergus is a great place and the seniors centre is a very welcoming place … and I enjoy people.”

Her world of volunteering began with a son who was overactive, “so my first work was with a group dealing with physically and mentally handicapped children in a preschool setting.

“I worked with the children for 12 years and just loved it.”

Watson said she’s volunteered at church and with Brownies and Guides. “I think I’ve always been involved. It’s just the way I am.”

She laughed then continued, “It keeps me busy, both myself and my husband.

“But mainly it’s about giving. You can’t go through life  just taking – you have to give as well.”

