Pushing the limits – Recruits for volunteer firefighter positions at the Town of Erin went through an intense physical fitness test Saturday at the Hillsburgh fire hall. The 32 hopefuls completed a series of tasks that included dragging a 150-pound mannequin 100 feet in less than 49 seconds and hauling a fire hose charged with water the length of the fire hall. Most had already been interviewed by local deputies and captains, who will select an initial seven rookies for each of the Erin and Hillsburgh stations. Chief Jim Sawkins, who helped develop the task-based test while working as a Canadian Forces firefighter, said he was impressed with the number of applicants. Other physical tasks in the fitness test included a standing rope pull of a bundle of fire hoses, swinging a sledge hammer to move a weight in a forcible entry test, climbing up and down stairs carrying a hose and positioning a Jaws of Life extraction tool.

The 32 hopefuls completed a series of tasks that included dragging a 150-pound mannequin 100 feet in less than 49 seconds and hauling a fire hose charged with water the length of the fire hall.