There was lots of News from Centre Wellington councillors on Sept. 26, and much of it was good.
Councillor Walt Visser said he and chief administrative officer Michael Wood had attended a stakeholders meeting for the doctor recruitment committee and learned there is no longer a waiting list locally for a family physician.
“It’s the first time since I’ve been on council there is no waiting list,” Visser said, adding that would likely change when the good News became public.
Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj reported between the Sensational Elora Gala and the annual studio tour, Centre Wellington was busy that weekend.
Councillor Kirk McElwain said there was a successful concert in Bissell Park, and a major opening for the Kitchen in the Park Project.
McElwain did have bad News, though. He attended the NeighbourWoods talk on the emerald ash borer, and the pest “is in town. Prepare. It’s costly to get rid of.”
Councillor Mary Lloyd reported on a successful fundraiser for The Door Youth Centre in Fergus.
She added Groves Hospital went through its accreditation process that day, and “it went quite well – so accreditation will be moving forward.”
Councillor Kelly Linton said the annual Terry Fox run was a big success, and said he heard there was a record number of donations this year.
Councillor Steve VanLeeuwen said he had seen the Farm Safety group in action and noted at this time of the year people should particularly watch out for children. “Be safe,” he said. “Make sure they’re looking around”
Ross-Zuj said his words are “a good reminder” particularly since it is getting darker earlier.
Public works director Ken Elder also had some good News. He said the Canadian General Standards Board had done a review of the township’s water operations that day, from 8am to 4pm and, “We passed. There’s a few little things we have to fix.”