Upcoming conference focuses on grief in the workplace

WATERLOO – Dealing with bereavement and loss in the workplace is the subject of the Grief at Work conference being hosted this fall by Bereaved Families of Ontario – Midwestern Region (BFO-MR).

“This conference aims to increase grief literacy and educate about the impacts of grief in the workplace,” BFO-MR executive director Jaime Bickerton stated in a news release.

“Having this knowledge and being proactive about putting policies and supports in place (rather than being reactive after an employee experiences a death) can contribute significantly to workplace wellness and employee wellbeing,” Bickerton stated.

The day-long conference will feature four speakers addressing the following topics related to grief at work:

Grief Leadership in the Workplace: Susan Cadell, social work researcher and professor in the School of Social Work at Renison University College;

Grief at Work – What We’ve Learned: Melina Pearson, outreach coordinator, BFO–MR;

Limited Space for Grief: Workers’ experiences of bereavement and precarious employment in Ontario: Karima Joy, grief education program, University of Toronto; and

Our Summer of Nora: Tanner Nivins and Jessica Furtado will be sharing their story about navigating bereavement at work leading up to and following the stillbirth of their daughter Nora.

“We are honoured to be creating space to naturalize conversations around death, dying and grief, and to recognize that grief lasts well beyond five days of bereavement leave,” stated Bickerton. 

“Our goal is for attendees to have tangible takeaways that they can apply in the workplaces. 

“What is learned at this event is also transferrable to life outside of work, creating more compassionate communities for all.”

The conference takes place Oct. 1, from 8:30am to 4:30pm at the Community Pavilion at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, 101 Father David Bauer Dr.

The cost is $150 per person, and the deadline to register is Sept. 16.

For more information, and to register, visit bfomidwest.org/what-we-do/education-andoutreach/grief-at-work-the-conference.