The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) is seeking secondary student, parent and staff input as part of the board’s strategic review of secondary school education across the district.
The purpose of the review is to create a guiding vision for secondary education in the UGDSB to meet the learning needs of all students.
The board is gathering feedback and information on existing programs to create a current snapshot of secondary education in the UGDSB.
This review is part of an ongoing effort to highlight the great work already taking place in our schools and provide the board with an opportunity to build on those existing efforts to evolve in ways that continue to benefit our students and families.
Secondary students in Grades 10 to 12, their parents and secondary school staff are invited to complete an anonymous online survey to provide their thoughts on the learning characteristics and skills they feel are most important for success in school.
Links to the parent and student surveys are posted on the board website at
Surveys must be completed by Oct. 7.
For more information on the UGDSB’s Secondary Program Review, visit the board website