By switching to “virtualization” in its data centre, the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) has earned $13,757 from Guelph Hydro for reducing energy costs.
Previously, individual software applications ran on their own dedicated servers. Now the board runs multiple applications on a smaller number of servers. Fewer servers consume less energy and require less cooling which helps reduce energy usage. This consolidation, called virtualization, offers more efficient utilization of technology resources.
In the spring of 2012 the board began to look for ways to control its electricity consumption. UGDSB underwent an energy audit of the servers and air conditioning in the data centre using Guelph Hydro’s meters to measure baseline consumption data.
“It made sense to start with the data centre,” said Tom Woods, Senior Core Services administrator with UGDSB.
“It took more than 80 different servers to run our programs. Each of the servers was running a specific task and using only one or two percent of its capacity.”
The board introduced upgraded and high powered servers and re-cabled the remaining equipment. The changes streamlined the air flow in the data centre, allowing the air to circulate more freely and create significant savings in cooling. This change adds up to a reduction in energy consumption by close to 100.000 kilowatt hours annually.
“Since we needed to upgrade the servers we could also look at improving our electrical efficiency at the same time. Fewer servers mean equipment maintenance savings, too,” said Andy Willsie, Enterprise Systems engineer.
“It’s not just about the rebate, but also about reducing our consumption and to be as environmentally friendly as possible,” said Maggie McFadzen, communications officer for the board. “We want to ensure that we do our part to create a sustainable future for our students.”
Since 2007, Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc. has provided more than $3.1 million in Ontario Power Authority incentives for retrofit projects to Guelph businesses.
The Retrofit Program is offered through local electricity distribution companies like Guelph Hydro and is funded by the Ontario Power Authority. It offers substantial financial incentives for replacing existing equipment with high-efficiency equipment and for installing new control systems that improve operational procedures and processes.
Local businesses interested in conducting their own retrofit project can contact Guelph Hydro for direction on how to proceed.
For more information visit or contact Mark Britton at (519) 822-1750 x 2240 or by email at