Two-year travel time near wells to protect water

Councillors here are taking a wider view to protect wells in their municipality.

On Jan. 21, councillors adopted a resolution extending the area of protection to water sources surrounding wells.

That decision followed a presentation from Derek Matheson, source protection technician Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, to discuss the proposed resolution for council to consider that adopts the two year time of travel around Minto wells delineated on the maps provided by the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protec­tion Project.

He noted the province has committed to expanding the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program by making $21-million available over three years (2008-2011). The purpose is to provide financial assistance for properties and activities that may be affected by the Clean Water Act, 2006 and to certain groups and individuals for activities related to source protection plans and the protection of drinking water sources. He said initially, the program was only for properties within or extended into a 100-metre radius of a municipal wellhead and-or a 200-metre radius of a municipal surface water intake. The 2008-09 program includes an expansion of the eligible area to the two-year time-of-travel around municipal wellheads. With that, he said, the area increases dramatically. By adopting the two-year time-of-travel in Minto, in­creas­es the number of program candidates from about 200 currently, to around 1,200.

“I feel it is very important that Minto adopts this because you actually have the highest number of eligible candidates in our source protection re­gion. There’s a lot of good that con be done here. We can get a lot of money out the door and help your citizens help you to protect your source water.”

He explained the program would operate the same as it had. The change would alter only the number of eligible candidates for funding.

Matheson asked that council consider adopting the two-year time-of-travel around well­head protection areas within the Ausable Bayfield Mait­land Valley Source Protection region for the purpose of the program.

He noted that for a Clifford well, that area extends into the Saugeen, Grey Sauble, North­ern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection region. He further noted that another Clifford Well, and a Harriston well have yet to be modeled for the two-year time-of-travel area.

He suggested council’s resolution include the two Clifford wells, and in  Harriston, wells 1, 2, 3, and the Palmerston-Whites Road well, two wells in Pal­merston on Williams Street.

Minto Mayor David Anderson asked if the resolution simply opens up potential funding for residents

Matheson said the previous 100 metre radius was really just a buffer zone for protection. The larger area is an increased precaution to help protect the sources, Matheson said.

Anderson asked if that would create additional restrictions.

Matheson said the resolution was strictly regarding funding. “It’s a voluntary program as well.”

Anderson said some councillors have been to workshops on source water protection al­ready.

Deputy-Mayor Judy Dirk­sen asked what the schedules are for the studies for Clifford Well 4 and Harriston Well 2.

Matheson said he believes the original work did not impact the backup wells, but that has since changed. He was not exactly sure when the modeling would happen, but he assured council that it would.

