Two authors to launch book on April 19 at Cherry Hill Video

It took a chance meeting of two disparate char­acters to bring to life a book that had been smoldering sep­arately in the hearts of each of them for decades.

Professor Don Ranney M.D., and Wellington Ad­ver­tis­er columnist and author Ray Wiseman discovered they had spent overlapping years in India and South Africa with faith-based service organiza­tions.

But instead of personal satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment they had encoun­tered cultural prejudices, poli­tical manoeuvering, racism, and personal discouragement.

During that chance meeting eight years ago, they decided to finally tell their stories by com­bining them and using a novel as the vehicle – a safe way to avoid personal recriminations.

Meet Ranney and Wiseman for the launch of the book, When Cobras Laugh, at Cherry Hill Entertainment, Fergus Mar­ketplace, 125 Queen Street West on April 19, from 1 to 4pm.

Can’t make it? The book is available at Cherry Hill En­ter­tainment or Roxanne’s Re­flec­tions, in Fergus. 

When Cobras Laugh was published by Capstone Fiction, of Waterford, Virginia. It retails for  $15.95.


