Trees for Mapleton achieves milestone with W. Paul Day Forest Project

MAPLETON — The Trees for Mapleton initiative has successfully reached its goal, marking a significant milestone for the community’s environmental efforts. 

Over the past seven years, the committee has collaborated with local landowners, the Grand River Conservation Authority, Wellington County’s Green Legacy Program, and the Township of Mapleton to plant a tree for every resident in Mapleton.

The project has culminated in the planting of over 10,527 trees, which include 35 different native species. The trees have been distributed across various parcels of land within the township, enhancing the beauty and sustainability of the local landscape, officials say. 

Trees provide crucial environmental services that include shade, carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, prevent loss of productive top soil on farms, wind protection, and essential wildlife habitat.

Community involvement has been pivotal to the project’s success, officials say. 

Local residents, Girl Guides from Alma and Drayton, Norwell District Secondary School students, and members of the Drayton Kinsmen have all lent their support.

To celebrate this achievement, the committee invites everyone to a special event on Aug. 31 at 1:30pm. 

The gathering will take place at the Drayton soccer fields at Riverside Park, located at 57 Wellington St. N., Drayton. 

The event will feature a tour of the newly planted areas and a chance to enjoy refreshments with committee members, local officials, and fellow community members. 

Additionally, to commemorate the occasion, four trees will be planted during the event.

For more information contact Bruce Whale at or 519-748-7928.