Trees and Quackers event to raise money for park maintenance

CLIFFORD –The Rotary Club of Clifford and the Clifford and District Horticultural Society put on a Trees and Quackers event on April 27 at Old Rotary Park in Clifford from 11am to noon. After a tree planting, families huddled under a covered walking bridge to escape the rain and to watch the rubber flock bob its way down the creek in a race to the finish line. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to park maintenance. Ticket holders with the winning ducks were: Ashleigh Rock, Jim Hope, Reid Tryssenaar, Brenda Gilstorf, Margie McKenzie, Carolyn Lema, Eleanore Gerber, Olivia Yeman, and Dave and Pam Turton, who had the “most considerate duck.”

Rotary Club of Clifford member Holt Armstrong chucks a duck from the water during the duck race at the Trees and Quackers event on April 27 in Clifford.

Children help collect ducks following the race at the event, which was presented by the Rotary Club and the Clifford and District Horticultural Society. Trees were also planted at the event.