Trask still disputes costs of drainage plan

Council has proposed what might be called a $1,500 solution for a drainage dispute between two property owners near Monck.

Court of revision settlement costs have dragged on for over a month now, with only two property owners involved – Gord Trask and Alfred Wilson.

Wilson was unable to be at the latest meeting. As of the last court of revision, Mayor Mike Broomhead noted that it had carried over from a previous meeting because no recommendation was made.

Now a recommendation was on the floor. Broomhead said the recommendation was to reduce the amount of benefit to the Trask properties by $1,500, and increase the amount to the Wilson property by the same amount.

Councillor Ross Chaulk considered the move fairly straight forward.

Trask then asked the same question he had at previous meetings – why any benefit should be applied to his property. He contends there is an existing drain that does the job.

A new drain would run adjacent to the Trask properties.

Chaulk said the $1,500 figure was created in an attempt “to keep peace in the family.” The figure was determined after another site meeting at the property.

Trask still maintains having the drain adjacent to his property would have no benefit.

Chaulk informed Trask that he is welcome to appeal the decision at the Ontario Muni­cipal Board.

Broomhead pointed out the original report by K.Smart and Associates actually had a higher benefit amount determined for the Trask property, and consultant Garth Noecker, of K. Smart Associates, stood by the original recommendation.

Trask asked council if he stood a chance appealing the matter at a tribunal.

Broomhead said there is a 20-day appeal period from the date of the court’s decision.

Chaulk commented that “ultimately it may cost more [to fight it] than it’s worth.”


