Traffic accident information required for fire department to bill for service

Protection of privacy may be a laudable goal, but it is costing Puslinch taxpayers money, when the local fire department cannot recoup costs for responding to accidents involving people from outside the municipality.

The issue cropped up briefly at the mid-December council meeting here, as Mayor Dennis Lever commented on correspondence sent to Fire Chief Bob Gordon.

Lever said the issue had been talked about before as a result of the OPP not providing enough information regarding accidents involving people outside the township.

That information is required in order for the municipality to make claims to the insurance companies.

He added the same concerns were brought up on a Wellington County Police Services Board agenda.

Lever said there are now a few other municipalities ready to support resolutions to resolve the situation.

“Does council want to support this as well? It is an ongoing problem. We thought there was a resolution, but I guess not.”

Gordon pointed to an accident in the past week, in which the fire department sent invoices to the insurance company regarding an accident.

“It came back. The police had not recorded the policy number.”

And, since the fire department was not provided with a name or the policy number, “it is probably going to get lost [in the system].”

Lever asked if the fire chief recommended council passing a resolution asking for a solution to the issue.

Gordon supported the idea.

“Over the years, it hasn’t really been a problem. We haven’t given anyone information we shouldn’t have … no one has ever asked for it.”

Lever said the matter has arisen as a privacy issue.

“Wherever that came from,” Gordon said.

The resolution endorsed by council asked that the Corporate Risk Management Section of the OPP create a memorandum of understanding that would allow the release of information on traffic reports to municipalities for billing regarding services.
