Township to monitor megaquarry situation

Guelph-Eramosa councillors want their township added to the growing list of those who are concerned about a proposed mega-quarry in Melancthon Township.

At its last meeting in April  council received comments from John Burns, of Burnside and Associates, who called it “very unfair” that municipalities were given only 45 days to comment on the proposal.

Council unanimously passes a resolution in support of extending the commenting deadline to July 11 – the Ministry of Natural Resources  had already approved the move – and also directing staff to stay on top of the issue and provide updates as needed.

Burns called the proposal filed by The Highland Companies, an American hedge fund group based in Boston, a “major application.”

The company is seeking a mega-quarry with a first phase measuring 2,400 acres, with excavation extending 200 feet below the water table.

If it is approved, it would be the largest open pit limestone operation in Ontario and the second largest in North America.

Burns noted Melancthon is not within the Grand River watershed – it’s in the Nottawasaga – but councillor Doug Breen noted the area is “pretty close to the boundary.”

Mayor Chris White wanted to find out where the material from the quarry would be heading. Burns said the company claims 80% of the material would be “heading towards the GTA,” but White replied “it may not stop there.”

The mayor also suggested the matter be discussed at the next meeting of the township’s strategic planning committee.

