Wellington North officials plan to take action before a river runs through it … specifically one of their sideroads along Four Mile Creek.
On Feb. 8, councillor Dan Yake noted there was a recommendation from the previous week’s committee meeting. Yake said two quotes were obtained for the engineering of the project and the committee is allocating about $16,000 in the 2010 budget.
Yake explained the work will take place “at Wellington County Road 109 and Concession 4 from Arthur to Teviotdale. It’s on the right hand side. You can see where the erosion has taken place.”
The quotes sought to address erosion at two locations along Four Mile Creek: at Concession 4 and Sideroad 10. Council accepted the bid of Parish Geomorphic which had a quote $9,500 plus expenses.
There will also be an additional cost of approx $3,000 to complete the topographic base plan survey which will be completed by K. Smart.
Garth Noecker, of K. Smart, recommended proceeding with Parish Geomorphic and that the township allow for some contingency for budget purposes.
Councillor John Matusinec questioned when the municipality became responsible for riverbank erosion.
“Is it just in bridge areas or are we responsible for any erosion that takes place along the water?” Matusinec asked.
Public Works Manager Gary Williamson explained, “if it is not addressed, we’re going to lose Concession 4.
“Since we’re the ones asking for it to be addressed, we’re the ones who are going to pay.”
Along with that work, Williamson said a similar situation exists on Sideroad 10 with the river doing the same thing to a northwest bridge abutment.
Though the township has completed some minor repairs, it also needs to be addressed, and Williamson said there would likely be better costs doing both projects at the same time.
He said the conservation authority did do a site visit.
“They have lots of ideas, but no money (for the project).”
Williamson said we’ve started the engineering for this year, but the work will not likely be done until the following year.
“Every year, we’re losing a good portion of the sand bank. Trees are falling down into the river. It’s just not a good situation.”
He said Concession Road 4 itself has been swung west from the river already … adding that maps show the road comes straight in to County Road 109.
“They swung it west to keep it away from the river, so now the river has come to it.”
The work remains dependent upon final approval in Wellington North’s 2010 budget.