Township gets another $505,000 from slots profits in third quarter

Council here learned on Jan. 20 that it has received another cash payment from the OLG slots for hosting that gaming enterprise at the Grand River Raceway.


The payment of $505,242 was the township’s third quarter payment. That quarter ran from October to the end of December.

To date, Centre Wellington Township has received more than $11.2-million since the slots opened in late 2003.

Since it opened in December of that year, it has attracted 3.6 million visitors.

Each municipality hosting a slots facility received 5% of the gaming facility gross revenue from the first 450 slot machines, and 2% from any additional machines over that number.

Funds are used at the discretion of the municipality. Centre Wellington council has a policy in place that all the slots profits are to be used for infrastructure projects.

The township has been using the money for projects and applying for federal and provincial grants one the basis that each level of government pays one third of the project cost.

That leverage had enabled the township to obtain numerous road and bridge projects over the past several years.

In the 2009 fiscal year, which ends on March 31, the province expects to allocate $120-million in gaming revenue to support charities through the Ontario Tril­li­um Foundation.

