Township awards tender for $686,000 sewage pump upgrade

Guelph-Eramosa council has awarded the tender for a significant upgrade at a Rockwood sewage pumping station to H2Ontario.

On Sept. 16 council approved the New Hamburg firm’s tender of $686,814, which was the lowest of eight bids received by the township.

“We are quite familiar with the low bidder and have experienced very good results working with them on several previous projects,” stated a letter from Mark McPhee and David Paetz, of R.J. Burnside and Associates, the township’s engineering consultant.

They recommended to acting public works manager Rod McClure that the H2Ontario bid be approved.

McClure told council last week that the project involved installing larger pumps in the station, located at 197 Valley Road, to deal with “future growth” in Rockwood.

The tender document  describes the work as:

– supply and installation of two replacement submersible sewage pumps, including associated electrical equipment, process piping and valves, yard piping, metering and bypass chambers;

– supply and installation of a new control panels;

– removal and disposal of all obsolete equipment; and

– other associated site works.

McClure explained all the money for the project will come from development charges. Council unanimously approved awarding the tender to H2Ontario.
