Township approves $1.33-million proposal for new Alma hall at Wallace Cumming Park

The actual final cost may change, but council here has accepted a $1.33-million proposal from Domm Construction Limited for the design and building of the new Alma community hall at Wallace Cumming Park.

On Oct. 13, council approv­ed a resolution directing the project manager, Greystone De­sign Group, to enter into negotiations with Domm Con­struction on behalf of the township.

Four proposals were re­ceived for the design and construction of the hall. The Domm Construction proposal was the lowest – at $1,329,500 – with the others ranging from almost $1.55-million to just under $1.9-million.

The total project budget approved by council is $1,561,700.

Finance director Mike Givens explained the reason no price was included in the resolution to proceed with negotiations with Domm Construction is because the prices received were proposals only, and not official tenders.

Mayor John Green said there are three specific options he knows of, and maybe more, that the township is considering for the building, so the price could change.

Councillor Bruce Whale said Greystone did an excellent job of going through the proposals for the hall and he also commended the efforts of the building committee.

Earlier this year, the township received over $1-million in provincial and federal funding for the construction of the hall. the township and the Alma Optimist Club agreed to split the remaining one third of the total project cost.

The new, one-storey hall will be approximately 7,300 square feet in size and include a large hall (2,600 square feet), meeting room (650 square feet), kitchen, bathrooms and storage. Under the agreement, the township will maintain ownership of the hall and property, with a committee overseeing its day-to-day operation.

