At a recent council meeting, the background report for the Township’s Growth Management Strategy was presented to council.
Stantec Consulting Ltd. has collected background information regarding the township’s current services including water, waste water, recreation and leisure, heritage, natural systems, etc.
As Centre Wellington and Stantec move into the public engagement phase of the study a public information centre is set for June 22, 6:30pm at Aboyne Hall.
It is estimated that by 2041 the township will have to accommodate 20,425 more people, 7,905 more households and 10,810 jobs.
This strategy will ensure that the township accommodate growth in a way that promotes a high quality of life while preserving the natural features and small town feel of Centre Wellington including its heritage and rural character.
Centre Wellington CAO Andy Goldie stated, “Our goal is to ensure that council, our community and staff have the proper tools to assist in our planning and development decision-making.”
This plan will consider the three pillars of growth management planning: land use, infrastructure and finance.
By analyzing growth management, the strategy is expected to determine: a long-term growth outlook for Centre Wellington, a sustainable infrastructure approach, creating certainty for affected stakeholders, and a review of development standards which will support planned growth and reflect the design principles of the township
Upcoming timelines
June 2016: Public engagement
September 2016: Growth management draft discussion paper
October 2016: Stakeholder meetings and final discussion paper
December 2016: Final report complete
January 2017: Final council decision.
To review the Growth Management Plan background report and presentation made by Stantec, visit
Keep checking Centre Wellington’s website for project updates on the growth management strategy and many other township projects currently underway.