Town seeks solution to nuisance animals problem

Deputy-mayor Terry Fisk wants the town to explore ways to deal with nuisance animals.

Fisk raised the issue on March 6.

 “In the last month I’ve had about a dozen calls about raccoons running around town,”  Fisk said.

He suggested the town get in touch with Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) officials to see what can be done.

“I don’t think our citizens should have to pay somebody to come around to deal with this situation,” he said.“I believe it’s MNR’s responsibility.”

Clerk Bill White agreed. He said the town office has been receiving calls about nuisance animals.

“It’s frustrating for our staff,” White said. “In any municipality I’ve been in they don’t deal with the situation. We’re getting the calls, people are frustrated and there isn’t much we can do.”

Fisk, a veterinarian, said the problem extends farther than just nuisance animals.

“There’s more to it then just the nuisance,” he added. “There’s some health issues here as well.”

Mayor George Bridge suggested the town contact MNR to see if the ministry has any policies to deal with nuisance animals.
