Town okays residential development

Councillors here are in favour of opening up more land in Harriston for residential development.

Following a public meeting on March 17, Minto councillors supported the rezoning of  part of Lot 88 Concession D in the former town of Harriston from future development to resi­dential. That change will permit the creation of five residential lots.

Making the application was John Mohle, on behalf of Wellingdale Construction Ltd.

Part of the joint meeting was to consider redesignating the property from future development to an appropriate residential zone.

Wellington County planner Mark Van Patter said most of council is familiar with similar applications from 2005 and 2002.

“It is a fairly small amount of land.” He added Harriston is growing and as a result, services are being extended to more areas being developed by Well­ingdale Construction.

“Currently, the area is designated as future development within the official plan and zoning bylaw.”

He added there is also a flood zone overlay to the property.

Van Patter said it is possible to build on the flood fringe area, providing the home is “flood proofed.” Other than that, Van Patter considered the proposal a simple amendment.

He considered the extension of the residential designation be an expansion of the built urban area.

As a result, Van Patter believes council could support the official plan amendment conditional to the availability of services. That, he said, will allow the county to deal with the official plan amendment in early April.

Once the county has dealt with that portion, he said  Minto could immediately deal with the zoning bylaw portion.

Mohle said he was fine with the residential zoning in the nearby area.

“I just appreciate everyone’s cooperation here,” he said.


