Residents Minto will benefit from cleaner, safer drinking water through spending under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (COIP).
Perth-Wellington MP Gary Schellenberger; Perth-Wellington MPP John Wilkinson; and local municipal leaders made the announcement in Mitchell recently.
The funding will enable Minto to improve its well supply systems. Those upgrades are required to bring the municipal water systems into compliance with the Ontario Drinking Water Systems Regulation. "Green" municipal infrastructure is a priority for the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program.
Schellenberger said, "These projects are excellent examples of how the government of Canada is working together with our provincial and municipal partners to ensure that communities across the country have access to reliable water."
"I’m pleased to see that well supply systems in Minto are being upgraded," said Wilkinson.
The federal and provincial governments are each contributing up to $439,807 to upgrade the Harriston, Palmerston and Clifford well supply systems.
Minto is paying the balance of the project’s total eligible cost of $1,319,420. Improvements to the Harriston and Palmerston well supplies include: upgrading pumphouses; installing upgraded treatment and monitoring equipment; and constructing chlorine contact watermains. Work in Clifford includes: constructing a new well supply and treatment facility, as well as an elevated storage tank; upgrading one well and abandoning one other well.
"Minto residents and visitors can continue to have confidence in the safety of our town’s water supply," said Minto Mayor David Anderson. "This project is an excellent example of what can happen when all levels of government work together."