Town debates who should pay bill for BIA proposal

After some debate about who should cover an advertisement for the Erin Village BIA expansion, town council has decided to pay the costs.

On Oct. 20, Clerk Kathryn Ironmonger said Business Im­provement Area officials questioned if they should be stuck with the $661 bill for advertising in a local Newspaper about the original BIA expansion proposal.

Ironmonger said the group claims it never made the decision to advertise, so it should not have to pay for the ad. Mayor Rod Finnie explained he decided to proceed with the ad because he felt everyone should know about the proposal.

Councillors John Brennan and Josie Wintersinger agreed the town should cover the bill because it was “a public service” initiated by the municipality.

But councillors Ken Chap­man and Barb Tocher were not so sure.

Chapman asked what the Municipal Act says on the matter.

Ironmonger replied the town is required only to give notice to affected businesses. She said the advertisement was not a requirement, but lots of times the town goes beyond what is required in the act and then bills the proponent.

Tocher said the reason the town felt the need to advertise the changes was because of the “vast area” of the proposed BIA expansion, and that was a BIA decision.

“It’s a BIA expense,” Tocher said.

Finnie said he does not totally disagree, but it was he who made the decision to advertise without asking the BIA. Tocher said advertising was “essential” in this case, and Wintersinger agreed but noted the BIA was not in on the decision.

Finnie concluded the bill should be paid by the town and the rest of council seemed to agree.

