A nearby community is offering an opportunity to continue helping a Mapleton family whose son is battling leukemia.
On July 25 the 4th Annual Kylie’s Care Golf Tournament will be held on the links at Brookfield Golf Club in Cambridge.
The initial purpose of the tournament was to raise funds to help with Kylie Hass’s care after she was diagnosed at age two with leukemia.
In 2014, after two years of chemotherapy treatments, Kylie received her final treatment and has been cancer-free for one year.
The tournament continues and this year the committee has welcomed Evan and the Conway family of Drayton into their extended family.
Three-year-old Evan was diagnosed in 2014 with the same leukemia as Kylie and he continues treatment on a weekly basis at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton.
Over 40 golfers participate in the tournament with new teams joining each year. The committee is looking for golfers, hole sponsors and donations of prizes. Tax receipts will be issued with donations going to Ronald McDonald House, where the Hass and Conway families stayed during their time at McMaster Hospital.
For more information call Pat Singleton at 519-622-6550 ext. 103, visit Facebook.com/Kylies Care or email Ken Hass at kenhass@msn.com.