Three new life members honoured at society meeting

Lifetime accolades and awards were the highlight of the annual general meeting of the Fergus Horticultural Soci­ety on Nov. 18 at the Victoria Park Seniors Centre.

President Kathy Bouma wel­comed 85 members and guests to the turkey and ham potluck dinner.

The guests included Walt Visser, representing Mayor Jo­anne Ross-Zuj for Centre Well­ington, Public Works Director Ken Elder and Jack Karn of Public Works, and Parks and Recreation Director Andy Goldie

Life Membership awards were presented to Rienk and Roberta Vlietstra and Ken Mc­Manus.

The Vlietstras have held various executive positions and served on many committees throughout their years with the society.

Roberta Vlietstra worked on the Communities in Bloom committee that Fergus won provincially in 1998 and nation­ally in 1999. She co-chaired the 150th anniversary cele­bration held at the Well­ington County Museum and served on the District 7 board of directors, and currently co-ordinates the society’s archives.

Rienk Vlietstra, is one of those people who is handy. His pride and joy is the society’s millennium project at Terry Fox Park.

The pergola was de­signed and built from reclaim­ed hydro poles and new beds were added to receive peonies, hybrid irises and daylilies.

McManus has given freely of his time and expertise. He has held numerous positions on the board of directors and on various committees. Civic beau­tification is his forte. His love of dahlias can be seen in many of the community gar­dens. In the past, he worked ex­tensively on the revitalization of the society’s flagship, Tem­plin Gardens.

He continues to work with the society’s Diggin’ in the Dirt group in the yearly planting of this historical in­stallation.

McManus also co-chaired the society’s 150th anniversary celebration and continues to serve on committees.

Kathy Bouma also pre­sented her President’s awards to a member in the recognition of outstanding contributions. Dor­een Telford, Helen Lacroix, Cheryl Yuill, Elena North, and Meg Walsh are this year’s recipients.

Another point of interest of the evening was the presen­tation of the show and trophy awards for 2009. Those were presented by show chairman Liz Redshaw. The include:

– Pioneer trophy, Kathy Bouma;

– Mabel Reid memorial, Julie Kron;

– Rose Bowl, Betty Knight;

– President’s trophy, Vic Reimer;

– Bristow, Mary Reimer;

– Royal Bank, Julie Kron;

– Bank of Nova Scotia Trophy – Mary Reimer; and

– Colwyn Trophy, Colleen Pearse.

District 7 director Doreleen Anderson installed the officers and directors for 2010: president, Helen Lacroix; vice president, Roberta Vlietstra; secretary, Doreen Telford; treas­urer, Jennifer Johnson; past president, Kathy Bouma; and directors Alec Calder, Julie Kron, Lloyd Lougheed, Randy McLean, Joan McWilliam, Ron Stevenson, Darlene Tremblay, and Ted VanderVeen.

To view the activities and photos of the society visit

