Century Theatre Guild at Century Church Theatre will be casting for the traditional English pantomime, Beauty and the Beast.
Adapted and directed by Jo Phenix, the show will be full of music, dance, romance, adventure and plenty of fun.
Auditions dates are June 15 at 10am for children up to Grade 8, and June 12 at 7:30pm for older teenagers and adults. Rehearsals will start on Sept. 4, on either Saturdays or Sundays, and Wednesday evenings. Younger children will not be called for most of the weekday rehearsals.
Production dates are Nov. 15 to 24, with shows on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm, and Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm.
For more information visit www.centurychurchtheatre.com. To audition contact Jo at jophenix@sympatico.ca or 519-855-4586.