Thanks, Mrs. Jackson

This past week a legendary teacher, over a 50-year career, passed away.

Jean Jackson, known to generations of students in old Eramosa Township was in her 100th year.

Starting her career in a one-room school house at Shiloh, she ascended to the modern multi-classroom facility on the 5th line. During that time Jackson taught hundreds of kids the basics in their formative years. She will also have witnessed the ebbs and flows of teaching styles.

Her lasting legacy, in our case at least, was phonics. 

The education system seemed to stray from that method for a period of time, but for a class of rambunctious farm kids, that training was a firm foundation for a lifetime of spelling, reading and speaking. Although a lifetime ago, we can still see her enunciating sounds. Ssss like a snake, or Th as in think. She was the best.

Earth Day nears

In a month’s time, Earth Day will arrive – April 22, to be more precise.

The snow has receded, and spring is in the air. Canada is waking up from its winter slumber and exposing shortcomings of the human species. We really need to do a better job of keeping the environment clean. For people who love their community, there are plenty of cleanup projects to undertake.

This far out, those who tend to try something really big to celebrate our wonderful planet are left with ample time to plan.

To recognize that effort, the Wellington Advertiser will be awarding three prizes for a non-profit, charitable service club or citizen group that makes a difference in Wellington. The grand prize is $750, the runner-up will receive $500 and the winner of honourable mention will be awarded $250.

The criteria are fairly simple.

1. Tell us about your group, number of volunteers and purpose.

2. Demonstrate how your effort made a difference in your community.

3. Submit before-and-after photos.

4. Prizes will be awarded after winners are chosen.

Along with honouring our environment and working towards a common purpose, let’s show pride in our community and country.
