Wellington North councillors have approved a $200,000 contract for the reconstruction of the sanitary sewer from Smith Street to Frederick Street in Arthur.
Council gave the contract to Drexler Construction, of Rockwood, the lowest of four bids received by the municipality.
Those bids ranged from $200,000 to $256,119.
Denis Hollands of Triton Engineering, wrote in his report that Drexler had completed other projects in the area, to Triton’s satisfaction.
Hollands noted the $200,000 bid includes an allowance for contingencies and HST.
The engineer’s estimate for the project was $180,000.
Public Works Manager Gary Williamson suggested the cost “is a sign of the times.”
While the funds for infrastructure projects is a good thing, “It also means that everybody’s busy … and we pay for it as a result.”
He said the bids were very competitive, but Drexler may have had an edge since the company was already going to be in the area after being awarded a contract for the Conestoga Street water main.
“It’s good to see the bids were competitive … even though they were a bit over,” said Williamson.
Broomhead also pointed out there was a $56,000 difference between the high and low bids.
Council approved the tender.