Tanker comes in nearly $25,000 under budget

On June 17, councillors here confirmed the tender award committee recommendation to spend roughly $300,000 to replace a 22-year- old tanker truck for the Centre Wellington Fire Department.

The bid for the emergency service water tanker went to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Metz Fire & Rescue/KME of Guelph, in the amount of $295,497 excluding the HST.

In a report to council, chief financial officer/treasurer Wes Snarr noted that this unit will replace a 22-year-old tanker which will be put up for sale when the new unit arrives.

Estimates of equipment to be supplied by the fire department for mounting in the fire apparatus compartments by the manufacturer is about $25,000.

Snarr added the net cost is $325,700, $24,300 under budget. The township’s purchasing bylaw allows a tender award committee made up of the mayor, CAO, treasurer and the department head (or their designates) to award a tender not exceeding $1 million that is within budget allocations, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.

The bid from Metz Fire & Rescue/KME of Guelph, met all of the above criteria, Snarr said.
