Talent being sought for Friday noon hour concert

Downtown Guelph is seeking submissions from musicians and entertain­ers interested in performing for our 2010 Noon Hour concert series staged every Friday from mid-June to mid-September in St. George’s Square.


Organizers are aiming for talent that is marketable to the global audience present during the noon hour and will em­pha­size diversity from one week to the next. 

The concerts are a long-standing tradition of the Downtown Guelph Business Association (DGBA), whose intent is to enliven and pay tribute to the downtown com­munity by showcasing local and regional talent.

Artists are chosen by committee and are paid for their performances. Instru­ments, sound, and all technical equipment are the respon­sibility of the artists. Power and shelter are supplied by the or­ganizer. Each concert is a rain or shine event.

To apply, submit a demonstation CD or a myspace link plus a one-sheet biography by April 9 to: Lynn Broughton Communications, Marketing & Events, Downtown Guelph Business Association, 202-42 Wyndham Street North, Guelph, ON, N1H 4E6, or telephone 519-836-6144, or e­mail lynn@downtownguelph­­.com, or visit www.down­townguelph.com.


