Take Back the Night takes stand against sexual violence

GUELPH – Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis invites the community to Take Back the Night on Sept. 19 at 6pm, starting at Marianne’s Park, 176 Gordon St., in Guelph. 

Take Back the Night is an annual march and rally to raise awareness about the sexual violence that the women, girls and gender-diverse folks in our lives face every day in Guelph and around the world.

This year’s Take Back the Night events will focus on the theme “Break the Silence, Stop the Violence.” 

Rates of sexual and gender-based violence are higher than they have been in decades, and while high profile cases such as those involving the OHL or Andrea Skinner have made the media, most cases remain unreported, and survivors of sexual violence who do speak out commonly find their experiences ignored, minimized, disbelieved and even suppressed.

Last August, the federal government called gender-based violence an epidemic. 

In December, the City of Guelph joined 94 other Ontario cities in declaring an epidemic of intimate partner violence (IPV) in their municipalities. 

This April, provincial NDP-created Bill 173, a bill to declare IPV a province-wide epidemic, passed second reading. 

Public conversation around gender-based violence is building momentum. 

“It remains for us to use this conversation to support survivors when they do come forward and to take a vocal stand against violence before it happens,” officials say.

Take Back the Night has been a loud, proud, community-wide protest since 1987, sending a powerful message of solidarity with the survivors in our lives. 

This year’s event will feature performances by local musicians, as well as speakers, a self-defence workshop, a rally and a march. 

All are welcome. 

The event will be livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram for those who can’t be there in person.

“Breaking the silence is the first step toward ending the violence,” states Women in Crisis executive director Sly Castaldi. 

“Together, we amplify the voices of the unheard, demand justice, and create a world where everyone can live free from sexual violence. Let this night be a powerful reminder that change begins with courage.”

For more details, visit gwwomenincrisis.org/event/take-back-the-night-2024.