BRUCEDALE – Residents of Ariss Glen Drive are concerned about the loss of privacy that may result from a proposed residential development behind their homes.
Guelph/Eramosa Township councillor Corey Woods
‘Throw the community a bone’: Rockwood residents ask for lower tax rate increase
BRUCEDALE – While only a few members of the public spoke at a special council meeting to gather feedback on Guelph/Eramosa Township’s proposed 2025 budget, it seemed clear that residents think that a tax rate increase of more than 3.5 per cent is too high.
Township residents want fewer restrictions on backyard chickens
BRUCEDALE – No one spoke out against allowing backyard chickens on rural residential lots in Guelph/Eramosa, but several people expressed concerns about infringement on their right to own chickens during a public meeting on a proposed zoning bylaw amendment to allow domestic poultry.