Suzuki String School offers free tickets to young families

On April 30 at 3pm, families of children ages three and up who are interested in string instrument lessons for the fall, can receive free tickets to attend “Happy 150 Canada”, the Suzuki String School of Guelph Spring Concert.

The concert will be held on the main stage of the River Run Centre in Guelph and 180 young violin, viola and cello players ages three to 18 will be performing together on stage.

Most of the music will be by Canadian composers. It will include traditional and contemporary music as well as the premiere of a piece called Canada 150 by composer David Jones from Beaverton, Ontario.

“This will be a great way for families interested in music lessons to experience the sense of community and the enthusiasm of our students,” said artistic director Paule Barsalou.

“Families will be invited to a VIP reception before the concert where they will get snacks and be able to meet and chat with parents from the school.”

To book free tickets for this event contact Janet Johnson at or 519-821-2890.

Others wanting to attend the concert can purchase their tickets at the River Run Centre box office at 519-763-3000 or

