Sunshine bazaar held in Harriston

Activitiy coordinator Audrey Domm and assistant Jaylene Winkler hosted a Sunshine Bazaar and luncheon on May 25 at Caressant Care Nursing Home and Retirement Facility.

A capacity crowd enjoyed servings of pot pies, broccoli salad, tomato slices and rolls, along with apple crisp with ice cream for dessert.

 The toonie tables held over 60 items of clothing, household items, grass seed, jewelry, novelty items, candles, hair products and gift certificates. The items are donated through businesses, staff and supporters of this event.

In the lounge,  a selection of sewing and knitwear by Joanne McKay, baking and fudge by Emily Weber, and quilts created by the Sharing Our Faith quilting group were on display.

Proceeds from the event go to the residents committee to benefit all residents of Caressant Care.

The residents enjoy shopping trips, picnic outings, tours of the lights at Christmas, riding in parades, and many other activities initiated every day at their home.
