Students unveil ‘Team Addy’ sign in honour of Addison Hill

ELORA – Three students at Elora Public School had a vision at the beginning of the school year and now, just weeks before graduating, their vision has come to life. 

Their “positive pitch” class project was to honour and show the school’s support for “Team Addy” and fellow student Addison Hill.

Hill discovered a painless lump in her right breast that led to a diagnosis of angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. 

She began chemotherapy treatment, underwent surgery, various treatments and intensive radiation, but died on July 10, 2022, two days after her 14th birthday.

Despite her diagnosis, Hill never lost her positive energy, sense of humour and big heart. Her personality eventually earned the nickname “Addy-tude.” 

Students at the school celebrate Hill every chance they can. The sign is just one of the ways the school continues to support the Hill family and those who loved her. 

Shanna Beggs, Marcelle Ladner and Avery Gordon came up with the idea. 

They raised the funds for the project by hosting a bake sale, raising almost $600. 

“We knew going into the project it wasn’t going to happen for sure,” Ladner told the Advertiser. 

“We were thinking of things that could possibly impact our school and one of the big impacts was Addy.”

The girls said everyone who knew Addy in school loved her. 

“Seeing all our hard work pay off, it feels really good especially because we’re leaving this school in a few weeks,” Ladner said. 

“Especially since none of us can really bake,” Beggs added with a smile. 

After brainstorming locations, they decided to place the sign outside, on the wall near the tarmac where students play for recess. 

“Intermediate students pass this wall up to four times every day; this is where the sign will be the most impactful,” Ladner said at the assembly dedicated to the unveiling of the sign. 

Jessica Hill, Addison’s mom, attended the assembly but was not made aware of the surprise ahead of her. 

Students watched as the girls and Jessica slowly pulled the tape off of the Team Addy sign. 

The bold blue and yellow sign stood out, while students, teachers and family members applauded. 

“She absolutely loved coming here, she had fun here, it was a place of joy … she didn’t care that she had cancer because she just wanted to be a kid,” Jessica Hill said teary-eyed, after the reveal. 

“What you guys have done today is so beautiful.”

The sign is a symbol of Addison’s legacy, one to never be forgotten, added the students. 

“Addy showed how much she loved this school, so this is our way of showing our love back,” said Beggs.
